The weather in Greece is one of the finest in the world, with the majority of the year bathed in the rays of the sun, making it possible to spend endless hours of recreation outdoors. Most infrequent visitors to Greece get to experience the magnificence of the
Greek summer, and leave with the impression that Greece is a tropical paradise where the temperatures remain high all year round. The climate in Greece is typically Mediterranean, although the country's terrain and geographical location are factors that contribute to the extraordinary variety in weather conditions. Once summer is gone, the four seasons are pronounced with their distinct characteristics: fall brings mild cold and much rain, winter settles with bitter cold, and spring is as pleasant as you would ever experience in terms of weather.
Greece is mainly characterized by hot and dry summers, and mild and wet winters. There are long periods of sunshine, making the country ideal for vacations all year round. The variations of the weather in Greece offer visitors a wide selection of places to spend their vacations. Despite its relative small area size, the weather in Greece varies widely between the different areas. The northern, more mountainous regions, experience winter cold in its extreme. Ice and snow becomes a permanent feature of the landscape, and the temperatures settle on lower numbers than places of southern Greece. Even in the summer months, as you move from the coast towards the mountainous interior of Greece you will experience a drop in temperatures.
The seaside areas and Greek islands experience a warmer winter in terms of ice and snow, but high humidity and strong coastal winds during the winter.
The summer on the other hand is very hot and dry, and this combination along with the endless sunshine and complete lack of precipitation, make Greece one of the favorite vacation spots for sun and sea lovers.
To sum up the weather in Greece is ideal for laying on beaches, swimming and partaking in water sports in the twinkling sea, taking nature walks and biking in the mountains, having picnics next to rolling rivers and lush hillsides, exploring traditional villages and sightseeing at the remarkable ancient and historical monuments. If you are looking for a holiday destination where the climate is excellent, the scenery is breathtaking and the weather forecast is almost always excellent, Greece is your choice!