Travelling in Greece

2012-09-28 131818Greece (Greek, Hellas) is a country with a hallowed past and an at times turbulent present. Located in Southern Europe, on the southern most tip of the Balkan peninsula, with extensive coastlines and islands in the Aegean, Ionian, and Mediterranean Seas.

Many first-time visitors arrive in Greece with specific images in mind and are surprised to discover a country with such regional and architectural diversity. Furthermore it's a geographically appealing place to visit, and one of the world's most popular tourist destinations, with a mountainous mainland and idyllic island beaches, ranking in the world's top 20 countries. Travelling in Greece could be rather a pleasant experience and either you prefer a rocky mountain or a sandy beach you will have pleanty of options from both to choose from.

2012-09-28 131802The Greek people have the welcome mat out. Without the indomitable bonhomie of the Greeks themselves, Greece would be a different place altogether. Their zest for life, their curiosity and their unquestioning hospitality to the visitors in their midst is what makes a visitor's experience in the country inevitably unforgettable.

Greece is a blessed country and definitely a place to visit. Unfortunatelly the last years bad reputation has been built concerning strikes and riots in the city center. This is a myth.. Yes, riots do exist as in all countries of the world. You have so many choices and places to visit if you decide to visit Greece that compared to the magnificent area and historical sightseeing the problems you will face equal to zero..

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Greek people argue that it is a pity such a historical paradise and uncomparable location not to have been utilised to the optimum extend. It is true that the evolution of the last two decades has placed Greece to a position that she will have to be reborned and try to find the correct values to follow. Either you decide to see so of the worlds best monuments or to feel the salty air the islands offer this country can provide them both. The city is busy most months of the year however most people prefer the islands during July and August. Nevertheless still the location is uncomparable and still the hospitality is the leading figure.. A journey to Greece is a must and you will surely be satisfied by the experience. Our suggestion is to visit Greece wth a boat. You will really see a different reality and visit an amazing world. Have a look in our sections that could help you pick a choice depending on the amount you could afford. There are choices for all types of budget!

Before You Travel

Before You Travel

Travelling to Greece by plane, ship, train or car, or even a combination of transportation means, tr...
Weather Yearly

Weather Yearly

Despite its small size, Greece has a varied climate. Most of the country, including all coastal area...


Athens is the birthplace of athletic spirit and of the concept of noble rivalry. The Olympic Games, ...
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